Welcome To St. Henry High School

Mission Statement

St. Henry High School believes in creating life-long learners who are productive, responsible and well-rounded members of society while providing a safe, educationally friendly environment.

St. Henry High School Accountability System

St. Henry High School believes that test scores matter. St. Henry High School also believes there is way more to the high school experience than test scores. In an attempt to hold the St. Henry High School Administration, Staff and Students accountable, the ideas below will be measured and updated at the conclusion of the 2023-24 School Year (updated 5/28/24).

The St. Henry Way

SHHS Believes … In providing opportunities for students to grow socially and emotionally


Not Achieved

Measurement #1 – Create Quarterly Student Wellness/Appreciation Events

  • As a part of these events, teachers will have time to lead by example concerning social and emotional wellness


Measurement #2 – Between the School Counselor & Principal, every single student gets at least one, 1 on 1 Meeting to be heard


Measurement #3 – Students should have dedicated time to focus on Social & Emotional wellbeing 

  • Hope Week, Destress Day, Student Appreciation Breakfast…


Measurement #4 – Students should show School Spirit/Pride through Digital Citizenship

  • SHHS Yearbook class takes the lead w/ the help of the students of SHHS by helping w/ the school website and updating the digital photo frame at the main entrance of the high school


SHHS Believes … In Creating Independent/Self-Sufficient Young Adults


Not Achieved

Measurement #1 – Create opportunities for students to Self-Advocate

  • Professional emails & phone calls to Teachers, Businesses, Insurance Company, Bank(s), etc. through various classes


Measurement #2 – Professional(s) come to the school and assist(s) in the classroom setting

  • College Reps, Different Career Representative(s), St. Henry Bank Representative to discuss Finances/Financial Decisions


Measurement #3 – Students Promote Themselves

  • Determine Strengths and Weaknesses. Having Self-Awareness in Career Connections & Financial Literacy
  • Students Partake in the 3 E’s (Enrolled/Employed/Enlisted) w/ the school counselor during their senior year
  • Juniors in English 400 take part in the reflective Mindfulness Writing Assignment




Measurement #4 – Students are taught Basic Life Skills when educational opportunities arise in the classroom

  • FedEx Day – Change a Tire, Laundry, Address an envelope, Sew a button, Cook a meal, Hand up a picture, etc.


Measurement #5 – Self-Growth

  • Create a Rubric – Starting Freshmen Year have students reflect on Personal Self Growth [Involve Parents/Guardians with focus on Attitude, Self-Sufficient, Strengths/Weaknesses, Professionalism, etc.]


SHHS Believes … In Critical Thinking/Problem Solving/Reflective Questioning


Not Achieved

Measurement #1 – Rigor & Questioning. 

  • The staff will meet at least 4x during the 2023-24 School Year, reflecting and analyzing the questions administered on assessments given at SHHS


Measurement #2 – SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic &/or Relevant, and Timely) Goal concerning Original Thought(s)/Data/Products

  • Teachers include questions/projects to make students accountable for learning and showcasing originality [What can our students produce that AI cannot?]


Measurement #3 – Reflective Questioning for ALL students

  • 1x/9 Weeks different staff members lead discussions on social/business/domestic/etc. ‘real life’ scenarios that require students to reflect/think on how they would respond


Measurement #4 – Problem solving involved w/ Mental Health Built in Alignment w/ the Middle School

  • Stretch to avoid pulling a hamstring; how do we ‘stretch/get ahead’ of mental health concerns before they overwhelm students … Create a system/connection w/ the middle school to try to help students ‘problem solve’ ways to take care of their mental health 


Measurement #5 – Effective use of Artificial Intelligence [AI] to help in Problem Solving and Critical Thinking 

  • Be open to integrating and utilizing AI in alignment to the student handbook code of conduct


SHHS Believes … College/Career/Professionally Ready Skills are Essential to Life After High School


Not Achieved

Measurement #1 – Enthusiasm

  • Students are active participants in small group work, presentations, speeches and classroom discussions 


Measurement #2 – Attitude

  • Students gain exposure to the importance of attitude in school, at work, and in their personal lives via at least one ‘attitude’ based video/short story/article/etc. per 9 Weeks


Measurement #3 – Communication

  • The principal/teachers/staff make a point of emphasis as they see fit to assist and work with students on their communication skills – Getting work when absent, filling out paperwork in a timely manner, checking on announcements, looking at ProgressBook, etc.


Measurement #4 – Teamwork

  • The principal/teachers/staff will intentionally create teamwork activities/situations at least 3x throughout the school year in addition to the teamwork activities that naturally occur w/in the classroom setting


Measurement #5 – Networking

  • Create an Alumni Spotlight on the school website while also updating the digital photo frame at different points throughout the school year to showcase Alumni